07 July 2005

Bombings in London

It started off just like any other ordinary day.

But little did we know that today, on the 7th of July (0707), London was set to experience one of the greatest catastrophes she has ever known.

Thankfully, I managed to get to my office venue for training at 9am today. And when some colleagues arrived late due to the disruption of the WHOLE London Underground Tube System, we knew something was wrong. And our suspicions were confirmed when friends progressively got news of the bombings in London.

The official news has been released, and it has been confirmed that there were 3 bombings in the Tube, and 1 on board a London Double Decker Bus. The current toll stands at 37 casualties, and 700 injuries. Barbaric. The news chills us to the bone, and the whole city was in a chaos. Police sirens echoed every so often around the city, and additional security guards were mobilised to most offices - including mine. :P

And everyone everywhere practically had their mobiles glued to their faces - hoping to reach their loved ones (both in and out of London). But we really had to keep dialling to connect - due to the overcongestion of all mobile phone networks. In fact, the sight was not very different from yesterday - when calls were made to congratulate each other on the news of London's success in winning the bid to host the 2012 Olympics. Tears of joy among the faces of the people on the phones just 24 hours ago have transformed into tears of sorrow today.

The Tube system has been suspended until further notice, while buses resumed only after 4-5pm in the city. However, most people (including me and my friends) chose to walk wherever possible. I spent up to an hour walking home, but I've got absolutely no complaints about it. It's always better to be safe than sorry. Even now as I type this mail at 10pm, the local news show people still walking the streets - making their way home. Empty cars are like gold-dust... I pray that they'll be able to get home safely to their family members.
Anyway, continue to keep us in your prayers, okay? In a time like this, we need God's protection upon us stronger than ever... :)


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