16 May 2005

Star Wars - The UK Premier

Date: 16 May 2005… Check

Time: 1800 hrs… Check

Location: Odeon Cinema, Leicester Square… Check

Attendees: Multitudes of fans… big and small, young and old… Literally

Weather: Rain… Why?!?!

It wasn’t just another ordinary Monday in London. No… today was the UK Premier of the much awaited film, STAR WARS Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith – a film that marks the completion of the STAR WARS Saga, and a film that shows the pivotal point whereby Darth Vader is created.

Despite the foul weather (yes - even the rain clouds didn't want to miss out on such a spectacular event that will go down in history!), thousands of fans found themselves helplessly drawn to the Premier like bees to honey. It’s an event that you don’t even have to ‘think’ about going – you’ll just go! As Nike says – “Just do it!” While mingling with the crowds, I was very impressed with the various people who were dressed in their favourite STAR WARS characters – including Darth Vader, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Darth Maul, Queen Amidala, Storm Troopers, and even Chewbacca! Everyone seemed to have their own lightsaber! It was amazing! But try as I may – I couldn’t find any Yoda around. Perhaps he was too short to be noticed in such a massive crowd. :)

So, what’s so special about this event? In case you haven’t heard, this is the very first time ALL six STAR WARS will be shown in sequence to the audience – a mega movie marathon. The 'Galactic Passes' (which cost £50 each) for the marathon screening were instantly snapped up when they were issued in April. Wow! George Lucas himself commented that he hasn’t watched all six of the shows in one sitting. Upon further questioning, his recommendation is that we watch one every Saturday… not all in one go :)

Another milestone in this premier is the presence of the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra – one of the finest orchestras in the whole of Britain. They performed the whole STAR WARS score (written by the famous John Williams) on an amazing futuristic open stage erected in the middle of Leicester Square. And while they were playing, scenes from all 6 of the shows (yes – ALL SIX) were flashed on the huge screen behind the orchestra. It was simply ecstatic. The audience was mesmerized by the performance, and gave a thunderous applause throughout the piece. The two tunes that were greeted with the loudest cheer are the STAR WARS Main Theme, and The Imperial March (a personal favourite of most of the people).

I was awestruck – for I managed to catch a glimpse of some of the most famous people in Hollywood including George Lucas, Ewan McGregor (Obi-Wan Kenobi), Hayden Christensen (Anakin Skywalker), Christopher Lee (Count Dooku), and Ian McDiarmid (Chancellor Palpatine). It’s a pity that Natalie Portman (Queen Amidala) couldn’t make it though… would have loved to see her in the flesh. She was apparently held up at Cannes – after the World Premier which took place there yesterday. Sobz…

But all in all, it was a fantastic evening. It was a day where you could feel the unity among the people there. Despite the bad weather and the congestion, everyone was very patient with each other. There wasn’t any pushing in an attempt to get good positions/views, and there certainly wasn’t any violence involved. Even the kids (of all ages) were so well behaved. The people simply knew that they were united here for one purpose – to cheer and support a film series that they’ve adored since their childhood (however short or long ago). Perhaps it's the silent camaraderie between fans that kept us going.

It was simply an amazing sight to behold! Clearly, the force was with us today!


Blogger How Drama said...

So... obvious question: how was the movie?

bit of trivia. Darth vader is supposed to tower over the emperor, but obvioulsy the weenie hayden christensen doesn't tower over ian mcdiarmid. What to do? those scenes were shot with hayden christensen standing on the box. The boy, in cahoots with jack lloyd , have destroyed the magic that is darth vader.

18 May, 2005 14:29  
Blogger Hsin-hui said...

Well, I've not seen the movie yet.

Will be watching it tonight with millions of other viewers, as it opens across the world today. :)

Will write more about the movie after I've watched it! :)

Stay tuned...

19 May, 2005 08:45  

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